<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> This page will help walk you through step-by-step from creating your account to performing your first assessment.


👌 Overview

This document provides a step-by-step guide to getting started with Revenite Goni, a mobile app for conducting range of motion assessments. The guide covers downloading the app, creating an account, performing the first evaluation, and assigning the results to a client. The document also includes FAQs and related articles.

âž•Download & Sign In with Apple

To download Revenite Goni, click here or search Revenite Goni on the Apple App Store.

Use the link above or search Revenite Goni on the Apple App Store.

Use the link above or search Revenite Goni on the Apple App Store.

Once you have downloaded Revenite Goni, click “Sign in with Apple” and follow the instructions on the screen.

Signing up is easy. Use the Sign in with Apple button to quickly create an account.

Signing up is easy. Use the Sign in with Apple button to quickly create an account.

Great job! 🎉 Upon signing in, you will see the Home page, a dashboard with analytics on your use and client base. When you first log in, note there will be no data as you have never used the app before.

Home page for a user with no data.

Home page for a user with no data.

🎊 Starting Your First Evaluation

Revenite Goni offers free access to 6 shoulder range of motion assessments completely free. To start your first evaluation, you can either click the “Quick Evaluation” button at the bottom of the “Home” screen or navigate to the “Evaluations” screen using the hamburger menu in the top left.

Tap “Evaluations” to navigate to the list of evaluations.

Tap “Evaluations” to navigate to the list of evaluations.